Tuesday, May 26, 2009

No Evidence Of Global Warming - Dutch Scientist Says

24 May 09 - Analytical chemist Hans Schreuder recently spoke to the Northern Ireland Climate Change Committee.

“Your Committee (should) think twice about climate change mitigation measures,” said Schreuder, pointing out that they have been subjected to “a bandwagon process by which countries around the world are pressured to make widespread and costly commitments without an absolute or even a vague assurance that the phenomenon exists.”

“The UN's IPCC bases its dire forecasts on nothing more than computer models that regard the earth as a flat disk bathed in a constant 24 hour haze of sunlight, without north and south poles, without clouds and without any relationship to the real planet we live on.

“Despite much rhetoric and research over the past two decades, there is still not a single piece of actual evidence that the now-maligned carbon dioxide molecule causes global warming (or "climate change").

“To over 40,000 fellow scientists from around the world and to myself this is no surprise, for no such evidence can ever be found. (italics added)

“Carbon dioxide, at less than 400 parts per million by volume, does not and can not influence either the atmospheric temperature or the climate in a measurable way. Only laboratory experiments with heat lamps can make carbon dioxide do what climate change proponents want it to do, that is, warm the flasks that contain CO2. Yet this is not principally how the open atmosphere gets heated and no laboratory experiment can mimic actual air dynamics or be extrapolated to represent them.

"Any and all evidence that has ever been presented to support the idea that carbon dioxide has an effect on global temperatures has been biased, opinionated and based on an agenda that pre-emptively dismissed alternative explanations."

"Computer simulations regard the earth as a flat disk, without North or South Pole, without the Tropics, without clouds and bathed in a 24 hour haze of sunshine. The reality is two icy poles and a tropical equatorial zone, with each and every square metre of our earth receiving an ever varying and different amount of energy from the sun, season to season and day to day. This reality is too difficult to input to a computer.

Did you realise that?"

"If carbon dioxide really is such a danger to mankind, as the US Environmental Protection Agency would have us believe, then the upcoming Olympic Games should be cancelled, as well as all other big sporting events, as well as all road transport and all air transport and all coal- and gas-fired powerstations should be shut down. Clearly there is no need for such drastic action and clearly carbon dioxide is not dangerous at all."

"The above makes a mockery of saying that today’s level is unprecedented."

"As a further rebuttal of the influence of carbon dioxide over the climate, the alleged IPCC greenhouse effect is a non-existent effect. No greenhouse, whether made from glass, plastic, cardboard or steel will reach a higher inside temperature due to the magic of re-radiated infrared energy. If it did, engineers would have long ago been able to design power stations made from air, mirrors and glass, extracting more energy out of it than was put into it - if only!"

"The periodicity in the data and the unequivocal solar linkage were not even addressed. This is not science. The whole climate change issue is about to fall apart. Heads will roll.”

"Any and all schemes to reduce carbon dioxide emissions are futile in terms of having an effect on global temperatures or the climate and any and all carbon trading exchanges are a fraudulent exercise amounting to no more than hidden taxation.

Here's a link to the speech itself:

And here's the entire paper that Schreuder submitted to the
Northern Ireland Climate Change Committee:

Monday, May 25, 2009

Population Control By Plastic Hardener

All hard plastic bottles contain Bisphenol A. This chemical is implicated in a 75 percent reduction of male fertility over the last 50 years. Male fertility loss is only one of it numerous, detrimental side effects. Worse news still, Bisphenol A can also be found in the plastic linings of food cans, beer cans, pop cans, juice cans, and paper coffee cups. In other words its everywhere in the food chain of western societies.

At the end of this blog are references from which the core information I'm giving you is sourced. Follow them for more detailed information.

The dangers of Bisphenol A are real and to a great extent proven by reputable scientific sources. They include as mentioned above, male fertility loss, but BPA is also heavily implicated in breast cancer and early-onset puberty in 8-9 year old girls due.

• Bisphenol A is is officially classified as toxic in some countries.

• The study found that participants who drank for a week from polycarbonate bottles (hard plastic bottles) showed a 69 per cent increase in their urine of BPA.

• Previous studies have suggested that high levels of BPA consumption are linked to birth defects, growth problems and an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes.

• Heating hard plastic bottles with baby formula, or re-heating paper coffee cups, (yes paper coffee cups have BPA-impregnated plastic liners) causes the chemical to leak in potentially dangerous quantities into the liquid contained within

• In Canada - as of last year - BPA has been outlawed in baby bottles. Beware baby bottles manufactured anywhere else. Since that includes all or most of them, use glass or stainless steel bottles.

• Harvard medical school findings: "We found that drinking cold liquids from polycarbonate bottles for just one week increased urinary BPA levels by more than two-thirds."

• Harvard again: "While previous studies have demonstrated that BPA is linked to adverse health effects, this study fills in a missing piece of the puzzle -whether or not polycarbonate plastic bottles are an important contributor to the amount of BPA in the body."

The Harvard study is a NEW study, clearly from a reliable source, which it puts a lie to much of the plastic industry's self-interested disinformation. Remember the cigarette manufacturers produced a lot of evidence in the 60's that cigarettes were not the cause of health problems and lung cancer. They were even caught paying off researchers and medical experts to provide bogus evidence to support their claims.

The dangers of Bisphenol A have been known since the 1930's, yet of all the possible ways to produce hardened plastic, the Western world chose Bisphenol A. In future blogs I will explore why this may be happening, despite clear evidence that Bisphenol A is extremely dangerous to human health.

• "Experiments with rats demonstrate that low level exposure to bisphenol A during fetal growth causes breast cancer in adults. At all levels tested down to 2.5 parts per billion, BPA induced formation of aberrant cell growth patterns associated in rodents and people with breast cancer. Levels only 5 times higher than EPA's current safe level caused carcinoma in situ. Using these results to set safety standards would radically reduce use of BPA in plastics and resins."

• "Perinatal exposure to extremely low levels of bisphenol A causes precancerous prostate lesions in rats. These lesions, called prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, or PIN, are cancerous and are considered to be a precursor of metastatic prostate cancer in humans. One hundred percent of rats exposed perinatally and then, during adulthood, treated with estradiol and testosterone to create hormonal conditions analogous to thos of an ageing man, developed high-grade PIN. The effect appears to result from the failure in exposed animals of a gene to become hypermethylated as the rats aged."

Male Sperm Count Down 75 Percent in 50 Years

• Male sperm density between 1939 and 1990 in the western world went gone down an average of 1.5 million sperm per millilitre or about 1.5 percent per year. (In Europe 3.1 percent per year.)

If you do the math here's the conclusion: 50 years times 1.5 percent per year equals a 75 percent reduction in sperm count over the period. This study is 19 years old so the amount of reduction is likely higher than that, particularly in Europe.

BPA has in all likelihood been a big contributor to this statistic. Less daily use of BPA-containing materials, particularly hard plastic water and soft drink bottles, may help to explain why birth rates in 3rd world countries have not fallen off as precipitously as they have in the Western world, despite the billions spent by the UN and groups like the Bill and Linda Gates foundation to promote birth control in 3rd world nations.

Some easy remedies to reduce BPA exposure:
• Drink water from the tap - unless your town has fluoridated water because flourides are a whole different group of chemicals which need to be avoided.

• I think milk from soft plastic bags is OK. At least I haven't found any evidence it isn't OK. Avoid hard plastic returnable milk jugs.

•Make coffee at home from tap water or bring a ceramic mug to Tim Horton's.

• If you drink pop, beer, wine, juice, buy it in glass containers only.

• Wash fruit and vegetables well before eating or cooking. (Fungicides sprayed on these contain BPA).

• If your house has plastic plumbing on the water input side, replace it with copper. PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) piping uses BPA as a hardener and stabilizer. PVC is fine for drains and waste water plumbing. Note that BPA can be absorbed into the body in a shower so even if you're not drinking the water, all input water should be through copper.

• No plastics of any kind in the microwave oven. Glass and ceramics only.





Gus M. Creces - News From The Matrix