Saturday, September 12, 2009

Let's See Global Warming For What It Is

Global warming is a purely political agenda advanced by an elitist think tank called "The Club Of Rome" in order to give the people who control this planet a rationale to tax us for breathing or being alive, whichever way you want to interpret it. This organization's primary reason for being is forced eugenics.

Eugenics, by definition is man's war against himself, with a near term objective of eradicating all "useless eaters" from planet earth. Club of Rome's cover-story is the same green agenda that you've been bombarded with for the last 30 years. They published a book in the 1970's called The Limits Of Growth. More recently, a book called The First Global Revolution spells out how a strategy based around Global Warming "fits the bill" to carry out mass eugenics under the guise of serving our common interest in sustainable living.

That strategy may have once held some water since, in the recent past, the planet did appear to be warming ever so slightly if you didn't take too long-term a view, even though there was never any valid scientific basis to blame that warming on ourselves. There still isn't any basis for believing man is, or ever has been, the cause of global warming. Unless, of course, you think science works by consensus from the masses, and global warming can be proven into existence by polling popular opinion.

"Global Warming" is nothing more or nothing less than a political agenda and it is not caused by CO2 emissions from human activities like living, breathing, eating or even driving. It is caused by the sun, just as global cooling is caused by lack of sun due to cloud, smoke, dust cover or decline in solar output.

CO2 is a minor component in the atmosphere and what humans produce is an even smaller percentage of that. In warmer times - like the Medieval era (900-1300 AD) - the mean temperature on the planet was a degree or two warmer than it is now. Around about the same time, the Vikings were living and farming on the coast of Greenland because Greenland Glaciers had retreated somewhat from the south-western fringe used for agriculture.

That Medieval era warming period wasn't due to cars or from humans breathing too much, nor was it due to dairy cows farting. The sun was going through a warmer period which it does on a fairly predictable cycle just as it goes through cooler periods. Averaging those up and down fluctuations over a period of say 10,000 years, since the last ice-age, indicates that the mean earth temperature is actually on a slight decline.

Right now the sun is in one of its cooler periods, with sun-spot activity considerably down from what we've become used to. Accordingly, global mean temperatures are down slightly from the short-term highs which were reached around 1998-9. Sun spot activity varies up and down in 11 or 12 year cycles and presently we're into a down trend as is mean global temperature.

"What about melting polar ice and the poor polar bears?" I hear you ask.

Again, there is no connection between human activity and ocean temperature changes despite all the scare-mongering. In short, ocean temperature, like air temperature is based on the natural cycles of sun, weather and earth geology. Earth geology is part of the mix because there is a strong relationship between ocean warming and underwater volcanic activity. As any boy scout knows, you can easily boil water by tossing red hot rocks into it.

This cycle of volcanic increase by the way, if it continues, and I'm not saying it will, has been in the past, a precursor to climate and temperature collapse on the earth.

Increased underwater volcanism helps drive water vapour and volcanic smoke and dust into the atmosphere. That exacerbates cloud cover and dimming, which in turn, promotes cooling. Eventually percipitation in the form of snow falling on the colder parts of the planet never fully melts. Since snow cover reflects sunlight, that promotes even further cooling and a downward spiral ensues.

The more recent term "Climate Change" has come into general use to replace "Global Warming" because the earth's mean temperature is dropping ever so slightly, not increasing as we're being repeatedly told. The political agenda continues unabated, and is apparently gaining steam through "science by consensus".

Rest assured, however, that man's presence on this planet has little or no influence on global heating, cooling or climate change. If man has had an impact it certainly isn't caused by our CO2 production. Smog, pollution, and poisons in the air and in our food are entirely another matter. They are alternate manifestations of the eugenics agenda that infects our common reality and while they should cause us concern, they don't cause global warming.

Now here is a bit of research material you may want to explore. Watch the videos, even if you feel you're scientifically challenged. It's enlightening and refreshing to hear someone cut through the political agenda and speak some sense.

Here is another opinion that agrees with the above:

Other References:
Alan Watt
Robert Felix
Ian Plimer

Gus Creces